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Enhance your school’s extra-curricular offerings with STEM Programming. Our experts design customized STEM programming for after-school learning and inspire teachers to challenge students.


International Educator Training


Lab setup


Consulting available with trained and certified on the ground staff

The above services are included:


International Educator Training - Teachers are the core of STEM education. STEMCOE offers a 3-week U.S. Based STEM training and certification provided by Georgia Southern University and STEMCOE. During this time we also work with our teaching professionals to build customized lesson plans that fit their teaching and curriculum needs.


Curriculum - STEMCOE’s cutting-edge curriculum is an interdisciplinary resource designed to enhance core curriculum and bring STEM to life in the classroom. Our powerful 4Cs framework (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking) uses relatable scenarios that connect students to real world challenges. With each unit, students gain valuable critical-thinking and solution seeking skills for life.


Lab setup - Creating a space that fosters learning is crucial to the creativity and focus of students. STEMCOE works hand in hand with our clients to design class and lab rooms that are engaging and optimal for experiential learning.


STEMCOE Certifications - STEMCOE’s standards and indicators clearly define the qualities and components vital to creating and sustaining superior, student-centered STEM teaching and learning programs, as well as clear expectations for student outcomes and mastery of 21st century skills. Through valid and reliable processes, tools and training, STEMCOE’s Certification ensures that even the most effective educators and programs continually assess and improve to meet the needs and demands of the real world.


Consulting available with trained and certified on the ground staff - Through our educational partners, we offer 24/7 support as well as valuable resources to our clients. Teaching professionals may continually engage us with questions and comments. Additionally, STEMCOE offers regular trainings throughout the year.

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